What is C.T, why it is used and what care should be taken
for that while connecting?

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What is C.T, why it is used and what care should be taken for that while connecting? ..

Answer / aee_rt

C.T. is current transformer, its similar to Transformer bur
is made for low burden(i.e load).It is used to step down
the current level in order to use it for measurement and
for providing protection, coz current in terms of kilovolt
cannot be measured.Its seconadary output is fixed at 1A or
5A. Its manufactured for particular ratios and its
secondary current is proportional to primary current.

When its connected in circuit, please be sure that none of
secondary terminals are open n check for its insulation

Is This Answer Correct ?    19 Yes 4 No

What is C.T, why it is used and what care should be taken for that while connecting? ..

Answer / dixit

CT means current x'mer. in actual field high amount of
current in turms of KA so measuring this current is
difficult & also relay current is also less.so, for
reducing current (pri.-high current & sec.-1A OR 5A)CT is
care must be taken that always CT sec. are shorted because,
at sec. less current and high voltage is present. if it is
open than this high voltage affected field operator.

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 2 No

What is C.T, why it is used and what care should be taken for that while connecting? ..

Answer / iamsazz

It is current transformer. It mainly gives low amper in O/P
with respect to I/P. Output is in proportional to Input. By
this can measure high current flowing in line (say 10,000
A) using CT. The secondary should always be shorted for
protection before connecting to circuit unless it will
burst and caught fire.

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 3 No

What is C.T, why it is used and what care should be taken for that while connecting? ..

Answer / manogna

CT stands for current transformer.primary wdg of C.T is
connected in series with the load and it carries load
current.it consist of few turns. the secondary wdg consist
of more turns and instrument is connecte directly across
it.Its secondary is kept short-circuited always.

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 1 No

What is C.T, why it is used and what care should be taken for that while connecting? ..

Answer / pankaj desai

CT is Current Transformer which can be used for both
options either for measurement of Current or for Protection

Secondary of CT should be shorted all times as high voltage
will be generated which may be harmful for the person
working on system as well as to the system where CT is in
use & damage insulation.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 0 No

What is C.T, why it is used and what care should be taken for that while connecting? ..

Answer / piyush rana

CT means Current Transformer, It is used to measure the
higher value current flowing through the circuit.
CT should be connected in such a way that the current
should enter from the P1(primary) & leave from P2, Also on
secodary side S1 & S2 should be connected with correct
sequency other wise the meter will not sense the current,
While CT is not in use, we should short the S1 & S2
(Secondary) of the CT to avoid saturation of the CT.
If the seconday of loaded CT will be kept open it will get
saturated & burst.

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 2 No

What is C.T, why it is used and what care should be taken for that while connecting? ..

Answer / vishvesh

normally in high voltage line is it not possible to measure
current directly by any instrument for measuring of
protection purpose. CT (current transformer) as the name
suggest step down the value of current to very nominal
stage so that normal instrument can get reading from it.
and with progressive ratio calibration. we can get actual
value of current flowing through the line. also the relays
for the protection are connected with secondary of CT.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

What is C.T, why it is used and what care should be taken for that while connecting? ..

Answer / vikas tiwari

CT means Current Transformer, It is used to measure the 
higher value current flowing through the circuit.
CT should be connected in such a way that the current 
should enter from the P1(primary) & leave from P2, Also on 
secodary side S1 & S2 should be connected with correct 
sequency other wise the meter will not sense the current,
While CT is not in use, we should short the S1 & S2
(Secondary) of the CT to avoid saturation of the CT.
If the seconday of loaded CT will be kept open it will get 
saturated & burst

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

What is C.T, why it is used and what care should be taken for that while connecting? ..

Answer / ritesh gupta

CT is current transformer. it is used for measuring &
protection circuit in case of large current in the circuit.
it's construction is step up transformer type.
its secondary must be shorted to avoid high voltage
generated in secondary side which leads to insulation
breakdown or may be blasted

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 2 No

What is C.T, why it is used and what care should be taken for that while connecting? ..

Answer / vijaykumarht

CT means current transformer which is used to measure high
currents in terms of very low voltage. And this is converted
into current with the transforming ratio.
As it is connecting to the conductors which carries current,
the main care should be taken is it should be short
circuited until and unless it is connected to some external
meter, or the high voltage will get generated in it as it is
current depenedent and the ct may get damaged it is open

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

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