What is C.T, why it is used and what care should be taken
for that while connecting?

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What is C.T, why it is used and what care should be taken for that while connecting? ..

Answer / sachin lakhe

C.T means Currents transformer which works as normaL
Transformers use to mesure current in primary.
we r using coil to show the current in ratio.

Exa- 400/5 means if primary is 400amps then secondry will be

Just we r making suitble current for ameter coil.

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What is C.T, why it is used and what care should be taken for that while connecting? ..

Answer / bo

Care must be taken when selecting the Class of CT's. They have to be ordered specifically for their intended purpose. Metering CT's are highly accurate, but will saturate at network fault currents and cause maloperation if inadvertently used for protection.
CT secondary wiring must always have 1 ground connection, this is to prevent a dangerous voltage build up due to capacitive coupling from the Primary voltage which could be thousands of volts. (Ground connection is not required on LV installations below aprox 500V).

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What is C.T, why it is used and what care should be taken for that while connecting? ..

Answer / ramesh

It is called as current transformer which is used to
transform higher range of current to lower range. It's
output is used as an input to protection circuit and
mearsuring instruments as the protection circuit and
measuring instruments are designed for lower range of
currents. The secondary of current transformer shall be
connected in such a way that it should be get open under
any circumstances. In case the secondary circuit opens,
then the CT gets blasted due to break down of insulation as
very high voltage gets induced in the secondary.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 3 No

What is C.T, why it is used and what care should be taken for that while connecting? ..

Answer / manoj patel

It is called as current transformer which is used to
transform higher range of current to lower range. It's
output is used as an input to protection circuit and
mearsuring instruments as the protection circuit and
measuring instruments are designed for lower range of
Care taken....If ther is metering core then all metering
instrument must be connected in series of S1 & S2
terminal.Same for protection core.
If there is single core CT then whenever its secondery is
not in used it should be shorted.

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What is C.T, why it is used and what care should be taken for that while connecting? ..

Answer / praveen kumar

c t z a current transformer. it z used to measure the
current. while it z connecting secondary should be

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 4 No

What is C.T, why it is used and what care should be taken for that while connecting? ..

Answer / sanjeevi


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What is C.T, why it is used and what care should be taken for that while connecting? ..

Answer / rajendran.m

C T is Current transformer.Current meassured in H.T side.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 7 No

What is C.T, why it is used and what care should be taken for that while connecting? ..

Answer / guest

ct is the current transformer and the care

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 8 No

What is C.T, why it is used and what care should be taken for that while connecting? ..

Answer / r. anand

CT stands for current transformer. It is nothing but a step-
up transformer used to measure current, the primary of
which have very few turns and the secondary with 1000s of
turn, by this only 1/1000 of the current in the primary
reaches the secondary and so an Ammeter with much lower
value, calibrated to a higher value may be used. The
secondary of a CT should not be left open.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 9 No

What is C.T, why it is used and what care should be taken for that while connecting? ..

Answer / v.lakshmanaperumal

it is a current transformer it is used to measuring
insrtuments and tripping circuits. Mostly used for high
current systems

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 13 No

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