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Cognizant Manual Testing Interview Questions
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what is difference between severity and priority? what is difference between bug and defect?

23 36409

developer says it is not defect.then as a test engineer what u will do?

8 19913

How do tou design a good test case?

4 9388

what is the difference between web based application and client server application as a testers point of view?

9 36534

How many hours a week should a tester work?

1 2892

Risk Analysis a) 2 step, b)3 step, c) 4 step, d) 6 step


Tell me the test cases for the Bank Check?

2 5388

How u prepare Test data in testing process???

13 44823

What is data persistancy?

2 9083

This is a common login screen example with all well known fields like username, password, etc. How could you test this in Unit Testing Phase, Integration Testing Phase and System Testing Phase??

3 10260

What all possible test scenarios can be written for the PAINT OF An Airplane?

1 5129

What is the difference between bug,defect, error, failulre, fault & mistake?

25 91362

How will you select the regression test case?

5 12685

What is strategy to be followed for execution of 500 Test Cases in One day. If only 1 Resource is available.


What is the main use of the quality center comparing to the excel sheet?

3 6480

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Cognizant Manual Testing Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is actionlistener in java swing?


What would you consider as your biggest achievement and why?


Do you know what is social networking?


What are the most important skills for sales success?


How to create an instance of the object in COM?


How do I change a folder from c to d?


how to use mitotracker to assay mitochondria in tissue?


How do I install mysql?


Does a specific recovery model need to be used for a replicated database? : sql server replication


How do I change the download location in windows 8?


define fixed assets


Explain how you can capture server side log selenium server?


what are the differences between char and nchar? : Sql dba


I got i20 for university of bridgeport,university of new heaven and eastern michigan university.Please tell me visa success rate for these universities.And I want to go to Connecticut.At that place two universities are avaliable one is new heaven and the another one is bridgeport.Which is the best? Please give reply as early as possible.


Specific strength of materials is very high when they are in fibre size but lower when they are in bar form why ?