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Cognizant Interview Questions
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Difference Between Call By Value and Call By Reference?

24 220523

what is by brs?

52 192125

How to Parameterize Object repository in QTP?

6 36716

what is difference between severity and priority? what is difference between bug and defect?

23 36409

working of a diesel generator.

34 169407

How OOPS concept is achieved in Java?

6 22622

Explain difference between final, finally and finalize?

3 27610

What is preemptive and Non-preemptive Time Scheduling?

6 27676

What are the steps involved in creating a pricing procedure?

10 39408

Write a query to find second highest salary of an employee.

72 110780

developer says it is not defect.then as a test engineer what u will do?

8 19913

How many Test Managers in Test Director?

3 9041

How you upload test cases in to TD.

2 9066

Can we use methods in JSP? If so where the methods are stored in servlet class file?

6 25985

What are formula variables?

1 4546

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Cognizant Interview Questions

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Can any one send me the sample test papers of IOCL entry exam to be held on 6th july 2008. Also plz send the interview questions that cud probably be asked........i wud be highly obliged if u can send a few test paers and other stuff @


What is laravel?


What is the command to stop and start Splunk service?


What is file extension of Webservices in .Net?


Can you install wordpress on your computer?


How do I use a variable in the task?


If there is major % of Voltage harmonics in the system, how can it be control or reduced?


Explain ms sql server reporting services vs crystal reports?


What is payroll area


Example of some MQTT services?


Why stringbuffer is faster than string?


How do I show gridlines in word 2016?


What is the difference between adaptive and real culture?


what are tickets give scenario where you used tickets


I am a diploma Automobile Engineer working in Volkswagen for 4 years . I wish to apply for Australian PR however SOL of austria does not include automobile ngineering is there any other way i can choose to apply for the same. Please help..