Hi Friends, I have completed 3 rounds of an Interview with HR discussion also and got Offer letter from Cognizant, but after in 30 min they send one more email like Offer is on Hold, and its not valid... Could you please guide me any one , Can i expect Offer again from Cognizant or Can i drop the hopes ?.
1478Post New Cognizant Manual Testing Interview Questions
What is an effective way of using an internal table record? What are the types of internal tables?
What are the apex data types?
Explain what is memtable in cassandra?
What is meant by design pattern?
What are the cpu architectures supported by ios devices?
What is the benefit of my client center (mcc)?
How to see the create table statement of an existing table?
Ratio of Water and Acetonitrile(diluent) is not recommended to use in cleaning method validation,why?
Why is node js server side?
how you can configure Magento to work with another domain?
How to write custom query in wordpress?
is there a column to which a default can't be bound? : Sql server database administration
what is streptococcus and the best drug for it
Describe servlet?
How to move database physical files in ms sql server?