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Cognizant Core Java Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

How OOPS concept is achieved in Java?

6 22622

Explain difference between final, finally and finalize?

3 27610

what is the difference between abstract class and Interface?where we can use it in realtime projects?

23 65287

explain System.out.println

107 179315

What is hard code & soft code?

7 58432

What is Hash Code in Java?

6 14090

What are uses of Hash Code?

2 6473

Difference between interface and abstract class with ex.

4 8160

What is multithreading ???? How to stop multithrading in java????

1 4617

Suppose there is an array list [10,5,20,19,15,24].Print them in ascending & descending order in collection framework concept ???

2 6182

What is default specifier ??? Use of default specifier ???

4 6844

Is Java Class Threadsafe ????? How to make Java class Thread safe??

2 7039

I have a string like _a01_a02_a03_ and another string like _2_1.5_4_ as input.I want to extract a01,a02... to a string array and 2,1.5,etc to a double array with a01 corresponds to 2 and a02 to 1.5 etc. Need code in core java.. Can you do it?

1 3640

What are non-access modifiers?

2 2922

Why do we need to override equals() and hascode() method of object class?

1 2649

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Cognizant Core Java Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

How to write a test case for an extra Commerce website can any one tell this with the help of a table


How do you ungroup worksheets in excel?


How do I multiply two columns in excel?


Explain the concept of the distributed systems?


what are numeric data types? : Sql dba


What is the Resposiblity of Electrical Utility Engineer


Tell me the hierarchy of uibutton.


describe about metadata object? : Sas-di


can any one suggest paper presentation topies for electrical engg?


What type of elements can be hosted in a ToolBar?


Can we say that wpf is the replacement of directx?


What is the difference between a role and profile in salesforce?


What do you mean by cell in computer?


What is print format value interpolation?


What’s an advantage of tableau extract file over the live connection?