What does pl sql stand for?
What is the most common type of join?
Is it possible for a member function to use delete this?
Where can you find thermometers in diesel engines?
How do you think your experience of digital marketing will benefit our business?
Explain OOPS.
What is the meaning of string in c++?
Define what are ceramics?
Can I use a single way bill for 1 vehicle dispatching material from multiple consigners to a single consignee???
7-Given an index k, return the kth row of the Pascal's triangle. For example, when k = 3, the row is [1,3,3,1]. For reference look at the following standard pascal’s triangle.
What is the properties class?
What is the Load Capacity of Panther conductor (0.2) and dog conductor (0.2)
What is skin in asp.net?
What is messaging queue in java?
In control valve proximity inductive sensor is taken as digital feedback for full open and full close.Normally its volts 24v when the sensor acts the feed back voltage 14v so that our relay not indicating in plc panel . kindly give the solution.