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Cognizant SAS Interview Questions
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In the SAS Data step what is the difference between the subsetting done by Where and subsetting done by If?

6 18440

what is the difference between proc means and proc tabulate?

3 15780

What is SAS? is it a software just for use or we can creat something over there?

5 7579

hi here is a problem can anybody solve this? i want to report the data through third party file. by using data _null_ or proc report or macro automation process. but i want to insert the 'titles and footnotes' in between the data and also starting of 2nd and ending of 2nd and starting of 3rd and ending of the 3rd page. tell me how and write the code?


how to rearrange the data as our wish by using dataset block?

4 7462

what is washout period?

3 22429

what is the use of catalog?

1 5734

what is lifetest

1 4535

what is _error_?

2 9591

what is the difference between DUPKEY and NODUPKEY???

4 22168

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Cognizant SAS Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

When the constructor of a class is invoked?


What do you mean by rollback?


Does php support multithreading?


What is meant by initialization and how we initialize a variable?


What is the 7/7 rule in powerpoint?


Why is angular faster?


What is unescape() function?


can anyone send me some sample question regarding power grid corp


we have two generators different capacity on 15 MW and other 6MW at 11 KV , 15 MW gen. bus short level current 40KA,and 6MW short level current 25KA,, length of cable 100MTR between 6 MW from 15MW gen. for bus coupling . kindly tell any one can we use both NGR OR one NGR from any GEN. BOTH NGR has diff. rating. Tariq pakistan


What is a bind in db2?


What is txt file format?


You are getting a error in your appserver/webserver logs "connection refused", from the operating system perspective how will you troubleshoot this?


What is the use of console readkey ()?


Explain List of programming languages for artificial intelligence?


What are the differences between tableau software, gooddata and traditional bi (business objects, etc.)?