If the server restarts automatically often, what are the steps need to be taken for troubleshooting?
5 8023In 2 domain controllers, One has some 3 roles other has 2 roles, Domain controller which has 3 roles went down, will the users can able to login who are created in that domain controller?
2 5592Post New Cognizant Windows General Interview Questions
What is difference between using a macro and inline function?
Is spark secure?
What is the difference between @requestbody and @requestparam?
How do I gain root from a suid script or program?
Why do we have servlet wrapper classes?
What is echo $? In linux?
How do I buy a domain?
What is a ipid?
What is dhtml in computer?
how to add a new column to an existing table in mysql? : Sql dba
Name the 1st synthetic organic compound that was prepared from its elements is?
What is the difference between the qa and software testing?
What is Wrapper class in dot net?
What is the difference between find and findstr dos commands?
what are the selections available in configuring a burnout protection of a controller? thanks