What is SAP TAO? · Which Version you are using? · What is the Latest Version in SAP TAO? · What are the Advantages in SAP TAO? · What are the Patches required for SAP TAO? · What is BPT? · Difference between BPT & SAP TAO? · Which Framework using for SAP TAO? · What is CBASE? · What is the SAP TAO Architecture? · What are the Prerequisites for SAP TAO? · SAP Solution Manager Mandatory for SAP TAO 1.0? · SAP Solution Manager Mandatory for SAP TAO 2.X? · What is UI Scanner? · What is Inspector? · How many ways to Create a components using TAO 1.0? · How many ways to Create a components using TAO 2.x? · Which service pack required for SAP TAO 2.7? · What is Import/Export? · What is Consolidate?
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