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Cognizant SQL Server Interview Questions
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how to find nth highest salary

103 160517

About types of indexes in SQL server ?

2 6808

Difference between writing SQL query and stored procedure ?

15 72151

About DTS usage ?

2 7166

How do you optimize Sql queries ?


Rate yourself in .NET and SQL ?

1 8016

how to retrive only second row from table in sql server 2000?

15 22701

After recovering the database by using tail log backup.How to verify the data has been sucessfully restored or not.?


How to retrieve range of 10th rows to 20 th rows from total rows from a database table.? (Not from Dataset)

10 15843

write a query for list of owner who are having multiple bikes in below table 1 shanker pulsar 2 shanker Honda 3 shanker car 4 Balu pulsar 5 Balu Honda 6 Balu car 7 Shyam pulsar 8 Jaya Honda 9 Deepa car 10 vasu car

12 12902

Syntax to find the used space and free space of the Data file in a database(SQL Server). Following queries didn't give the exact Used space and Free Space Information sp_spaceused;DBCC showfilestats;exec MyDbName.dbo.sp_spaceused;SP_HELPFILE Can any one tell me the query for how to find the exact used data file space and free space in a Data File?

2 6795

How to generate the Reports for the Database? I need an Example for it.Will we manually do this or else any script is there? Please let me know ASAP...

1 3315

When we are using this query to shrink the log file,what exactly it will execute internally? Do we lose any data when we run this script? which data it will truncate in the log file and where it is saved. Please let me know... USE DatabaseName GO DBCC SHRINKFILE(, 1) BACKUP LOG WITH TRUNCATE_ONLY DBCC SHRINKFILE(, 1) GO

1 4244

one of my database size is 2gb and Unrestricted Growth for Data file up to 10%.But every day after day I am getting Primary Data file is full 99.999 please take appropriate actions.Why it is? Even disk space is also not full,but still I am getting the alerts.

1 4690

Suppose i have one sql query that contains 2 minute to execute.After one weekly i am executing same query that is taking 5 minute.Why our same query is taking more time.what would be my approach to reduce execution time.Please help.

1 7360

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Cognizant SQL Server Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What are the lifecycle methods going to be deprecated in react v16?


Don't you think you are overqualified,considering the factors of your trainings and project experience?


What do you understand by horizontal and hierarchical data transfer?


Short Answer on ___________Cash Profit


What are the 4 types of data?


How do you migrate the code from Java to Kotlin ?


Is it still safe to use windows vista?


What is difference between queue and topic in jms?


What is the difference between break and continue statements?


what is the dictionary objects in QTP? and what is method of vb script using virtual object wizard........


What is the tube exial fan?


Do I need microsoft visual c++?


Describe a situation in which your work was criticized?


To create alv reports, which alv component is required?


What do you understand by registers?