How are documents accessed and manipulated in xml?
how many reports do u create in ur project?i don't have real time exp..tell me based on ur exp..for interview pt of view,don't say it depends on ur project and u? thanks in advance..
What is the argument in java?
How to manage a network using a router?
About Iunknown interface Queue ,its methods Query Interface Addref,Release and Explain each ?
How much equity and debt has the company raised? - Venture Capitalists
Why is declarative transaction management preferred in spring?
c program to implement unix/linux command to block the signal ctrl-c and ctrl-\ signal during the execution ls -l|wc -l
How to delete duplicate rows?
Can singleton class be cloned?
Tell me how long is a day on saturn?
What are your long-term goals or career plans at Ralph Lauren?
What is an artificial intelligence neural networks?
In which year was the meteorology department founded?
How to assign a person two different pers no.s and allocate him two different comp. Codes and generate a single invoice? Suppose for a person I have to pers no.s a and b. I want to send him to one company in the morning and the other in the noon. How should I do this. (I only know one person can be given more than one position by giving percentage in om. I said that this process is concurrent employment.)