What is the use of perform statement in scripts ?
Can I boot ubuntu from usb?
How is nine-patch image different from a regular bitmap?
Hii can you help me step by step procedure for transfering data in textfields into sql database .mdf(also help me how to create database .mdf file) file after creating submit button in asp.net/ c#?????
what are benefits of using active record as opposed to raw sql queries?
What are the different complaint process documents in sap sd. Explain.
What does ng controller do?
What is point-to-point protocol
How long should scanning and repairing drive take?
What are the disadvantages of logical databases?
How to size fuse? How to size MCB?
What is artificial intelligence on echocardiogram?
What is meant by domain?
Explain the major differences between peoplesoft versions hrms8.8 and hrms8.9? Explain with one example?
what the history behind magento?