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Cognizant Interview Questions
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Three thives were caught stealing sheep, mule and camel. A says " B had stolen sheep " C says " B had stolen mule" B says he had stolen nothing. the one who had stolen horse is speaking truth.the one who had stolen camel is lying . Tell who had stolen what? give the steps ...

5 18407

In a colony there are some families. Each of them have children but different in numbers.Following are conditions a> no of adult>no of sons>no of daughters>no of families. b>each sister must have atleast one brother and should have at the most 1 sister. c> no of children in one family exceeds the sum of no of children in the rest families Tell the no of families

1 13146

in a class, 20 opted for physics,17for maths,5for both and 10 for other subjects.the class contains how many students ?

9 18569

A person incurs a loss of 6% by selling a watch at RS.423.In order to get a profit of 6%, the person should sell the watch at

9 20486

Thirty men take 20 days to complete a job working 9 hours a day.How many hour a day should 40 men work to complete the job? (a) 8 hrs (b) 7 1/2 hrs (c) 7 hrs (d) 9 hrs

10 27775

In town of 500 people, 285 read Hindu and 212 read Indian express and 127read Times of India 20 read Hindu and times of India and 29 read hindu and Indian express and 35 read times of India and Indian express. 50 read no news paper. Then how many read only one paper?

12 27282

what is the formula to find resistance if the terms density,reluctance,sensitivity,voltage,current are given

2 11240

I am at my paying guest accommodation if I am not in the office. a) I am at my paying guest accommodation. b) I am at my office. c) I am not at paying guest accommodation. d) I am not at my office. A) cb B) ad C) cd D) None of the options

6 8399

how do you handle stress

1 9256

A son and father go for boating in river upstream. After rowing for 1 mile son notices the hat of his father falling in the river. After 5 min. he tells his father that his hat has fallen. So they turn around and are able to pick the hat at the point from where they began boating after 5 min. tell the speed of river.


A son and father goes for boating in river upstream . After rowing for 1 mile son notices the hat of his father falling in the river. After 5min. he tells his father that his hat has fallen. So they turn around and are able to pick the hat at the point from where they began boating after 5 min.Tell the speed of river.


A son and father goes for boating in river upstream . After rowing for 1 mile son notices the hat of his fathe falling in the river.After 5 min. he tells his father that his hat has fallen. So they turn round and are able to pick the hat at the point from where they began boating after 5min. Tell the speed of river?


Argentina had football team of 22 player of which captain is from Brazilian team and goalki from European team. For remaining player they have picked 6 from Argentinian and 14 from European. Now for a team of 11 they must have goalki and captain so out of 9 now they plan to select 3 from Argentinian and 6 from European. Find out no. of methods available for it


Argentina had football team of 22 player of which captain is from Brazilian team and goalki from European team. For remaining player they have picked 6 from Argentinean and 14 from European. Now for a team of 11 they must have goalki and captain so out of 9 now they plan to select 3 from Argentinean and 6 from European. Find out no. Of methods available for it


In a colony there are some families. Each of them have children but different in numbers.Following are conditions ano of adult>no of sons>no of daughters>no of families. b>each sister must have atleast one brother and should have at the most 1 sister. no of children in one family exceeds the sum of no of children in the rest families. Tell the no of families.


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How have you used MASS tool in your last project, and to upgrade what data?


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What is goroutine in go programming language?


Is it possible to remove child records without removing master table records...the two having pk,fk relationship?


How can I get access to the web application of sap cloud platform integration to be able to configure the cloud integration packages?


What are the top 10 devops tools that are used in the industry today?


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how many brothers and sisters you have?


what type of files are required to deploy an application into websphere?


What is microdata in html5?


List out the build, source and test source directory for POM in Maven?


For the 7 stages of the SDLC (Planning, Analysis, Design, Development, Testing, Implementation, and Maintenance), What are the major inputs and outputs of each stage? What are the primary activities in each stage? Who are the primary "players" involved in each stage (e.g., Tech Arch's BA's, Testers etc.)?


What is capital structure?