BDC Structure?
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BDC structure contains five field.
1. Program name = program name of transaction to be used
2. dyn-pro = screen number .
3. dyn-begin = represents the new screen.
4. fname = name of specific field on a screen
5. fval = value that field can take.
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Answer / guest
Field Name Type Length Description
Program Char 8 BDC module pool
Dynpro Numc 4 BDC dynpro number
Dynbegin Char 1 BDC starting a dynpro
Fnam Char 35 BDC Field name
Fvalue Char 80 BDC Field value
Is This Answer Correct ? | 9 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / saveen kumar
1 program name
2 dynpro Screen numbner
3 Dynbegin Begin of screen
4 Fnam Field name
5 Fvalue Field value
Is This Answer Correct ? | 7 Yes | 2 No |
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