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CSC Informatica Interview Questions
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tell me 5 session failure in real time how can you solve that in your project?


If a table contains 100 records we have to fetch 50-100 records from source to target?how

7 10424

Hi All, I have three question. 1) How to remove the header and footer in a flat file in informatica? 2)How to load the first and last record of flat file into the target? 3)I have a Input and Output table. Input Name Salaray Month A 100 Jan A 200 Feb A 300 March B 400 April B 500 May B 600 June Output Name Salaray Month A 100 Jan A 300 Feb A 600 March B 400 April B 900 May B 1500 June How to implement and get the ouput as mentioned above. If Possible kindly provide the SQL query also. Kindly any one help to implement this concept. Thanks, Pradeep

3 17109

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CSC Informatica Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

When using a federated repository, is there a way to ensure that my file-based registry will continue to function when a LDAP server is down?


What are similarities of Agile and Scrum?


What is workspace in go?


How to insert data into database in codeigniter?


how do you reference the printer file formats from cobol programs


How to Convertan integer into a binary string?


Define Execute Reader?


What are the automation tools you are certified in?


What is the difference between an external iterator and an internal iterator?


Why is it better to use multi-threading polling instead of a single threading model?


What is the rgb stream?


What is Basel I?


What is the best hardware configuration to run Hadoop?


Calculation of Pier Cap with tapper area?


Why do we use sets in python?