Explain the scenario where we have to use Component Interface Statndard methods and Session methods.
3636Post New CSC PeopleSoft HRMS Interview Questions
Can we select more than one category for my application?
What is xml datatype?
What is weaving?
When do I use? And when do I use?
How did you execute junit test cases for apache camel?
what are the risks you faced with loadrunner
Explain how A/B testing is done for ios app?
How to calibrate an pressure gauge with yantrika test bench?
In businessobjects 4.2, what are the different ways to connect web to hana views?
What does params interceptor?
What are robots.txt file?
Which modules are added in d7 core modules?
What is Rack awareness?
Which daemon is responsible for tracking events on linux system?
What's the different between windows 8.1 and windows rt?