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CSC RPG400 Interview Questions
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How do you find out whether a record is present in the physical file without reading the file? for Example Employee No: 100 in an Employee master.How do we find out whther 100 is present in Employee master without reading the file?

11 25367

How can we find out whether the job is interactive or Batch through RPG program? 2) How can we find out through CL program?

6 27497

What is the RPG cycle?

3 19668

can anybody help me that what is the procedure of debugging the service program?

3 9009

Q1.How we can copy the data of file one session to another session? we can execute a loop infinitely in AS/400 coding? Q3.In ALDON tool,multitask is posible on a perticular object by the user?

6 11774

1.String operatio such as moving the characters to the variables? 2.what are the building functions for check file longs? 3.which of the following methods will make externally describe file fields available to a program? A: A/copy statement that specifies the library file and member of the field reference file source code B: A data structure definition specification that names the file on the EXTNAME keyword C: A data structure definition specification that names the file on the IMPORT keyword? D: A Definition specification for each desired field with the REFFLD keyword

1 4473

1.Can any body share me about thease opcodes with example please.Im new for AS/400.Could u please tell me in real senario? 1.TESTN, 2.EVAL 3.EVALR, TIME, 4.MONITOR 5. ENDMON 6.ON-ERROR 7.COMMIT ROLLBACK?

1 7017

I want to add 10 days in current date. how it is possible in CL program...?

11 43223

What are the commands that can be executed in CLP but not in RPG? Why?

1 7217

why subproc not run in dftactgrp?????/plz explain

2 6950

what is *place and *auto keyword in prtf ?plz explain


suppose i i am changing / updating record of subfile and i want to change the record in reverse order . means i want to change the bottom record first and so on through readc . how i do it please any one explain .

4 9499

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CSC RPG400 Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is the one thing which you like the most about a sales job?


Explain automatic payment programmer


What is user defined stored procedures?


How proxy servers are protect computer networks?


What is double immuno diffusion method?


What do you mean by ng-app,ng-init,ng-model?


What is TextInputFormat in Hadoop?


Why we use mail merge in ms word?


how can a message from a message file appear as a constant on the screen?


What are distributed technologies?


Can call apex class method on the fly (dynamically)?


Why is node js server side?


In general, how many Fact & Dimension tables are present in a Banking Data warehouse project ?


What is python in simple words?


Which nuclear reactor uses water as a coolant, moderator and reflector ?