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CSC IIS Interview Questions
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In IIS Version 6.0 Through application pool we can provide different -2 applications for the client. Is it right? If yes then how to provide the application to the client and what kind of application it can be ? Plz. Reply me

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CSC IIS Interview Questions

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working and uses of current transformer?


What is split used for?


What are the ways to refresh a browser using selenium webdriver?


What is the purpose of save points in oracle database?


which of the following statement is wrong a) mes=123.56; b) con='T'*'A'; c) this='T'*20; d) 3+a=b;


Does c have an equivalent to pascals with statement?


What is native sql?


What is the salary for a data scientist?


What is xsl in xml?


contents of an invoice receipt? difference b/w statutory audit & internal audit? Where the bank book and the cash book will not reconcile? difference b/w income & expenditure a/c & p/l a/c? what is ERP? what is full form & the application of SAP? Why income statement prepared? What are the reasons where Balance sheet will not tally? How do you calculated Closing stock in the trading a/c? When will the cash book have a Credit balance? Why do you prepare p/l appropriation a/c? What are the 4 difference b/w public and private company? What do you mean by Contingent liability? Explain: Accrual Concept 1. Realisation concept? 2. Accounting concept?


What does none type mean in python?


What is bdc? : abap bdc


if tech transfer fails whay require to do?


Explain the osi role in computer networking?


Some images look different when synced to the device and read programmatically. Do decoders change these?