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CSC JCL Interview Questions
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How do you skip a particular step in a proc/JOB?

5 28907

I have two input SORTIN files and We need to create one SORTOUT file which contains data of both input files. What is the SortCard for this?. Suppose the length of the both files are different, then How we do it? Please reply ASAP

4 31693

how to identify the file used in the JCL is an VSAM file. Just seeing the JCL code how can we track the file as VSAM file?

6 15616

We are using 2 files , file one has data, file two is empty.Using jcl how can we find the other file is empty?

9 21126

How to execute step2,step1, step3 if step1,2,3 are in order

8 11953

i have a string of 80 chars i want to replace 4th char with "a"?

3 8434

How can we see data in TEMPARARY DATA SET in JCL ?

7 22271

can a job be submitted through jcl only? is there another way to submit a job?

2 7507

what is meant by jobtrac?

4 15609

A. Job Abended in STEP03. Now run job again to execute STEP03, STEP04 (STEP01,STEP02 should not execute again)

3 8444

How to send data from cobol program to jcl?

2 8941

How to compare two files in SYNCSORT and on the mismatch record should be deleted from second file.


In your JCL, run the even numbered steps if date is even and run odd numbered steps if date is odd . Where do you generate the date ??in cobol or JCL ??

2 11234

How to find the length of variable length copybook using fileaid ??

1 12746

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CSC JCL Interview Questions

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In om, how to get the details for a group of employees (ex.) Group of drivers in the organization?


What is provisioning, billing and metering, and connection routing concepts in the service layer?


What does ctrl shift z do?


Why flex is used in css?


How to use transactions with couchdb?


What is the command to create a new project based on an archetype?


Can you explain the role of agricultural engineers in modern farming practices and the agricultural industry?


Tell me which program is useful for testing jquery?


Differentiate between static and dynamic channel allocation.


Why is react so popular?


What is application cache in HTML5?


What is the factory method in angular 2?


Instead of specifying SETUP and HOLD time, can we just specify a SETUP time for '1' and a SETUP time for '0'?


1)Have you used performance tuning? What major steps will you use for these? 2)In production what is the user exit? 3)What type of user exits have you written? 4)Difference between Search Helps and Match Codes 5)On which even we can validate the input fields in module progams? 6)what are the table controls in BDC ? 7)what is the difference between bdc and lsmw ? 8) If the scripts are client dependent, what above driver program ? (client dependent / independent) 9). I have two pages, In one page I want address, Header, Main & footer. In the second page I want only Main. How to do it? 10) Will 50,000 records be uploaded directly into APP's Server? 11) What is the button to change the variant in ALV ? 12) If your project is support project ? when is your implementation has completed ? 13)In start of selection, if we perform validation, what happens ? 12)How to join 3 tallies & looping. We have developed a program in a client say (200- client) and 210 has test data. No developing rights. How to test data? 13)How to transfer data which is coming from are report as output to another report 14)How to create standard text and how do u transfer it ? 15)What are the views when we are creating Material ?


When to use ms access vs excel?