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CSC C Interview Questions
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main() { float a=8.8; double b=8.8; if(a==b) printf("Equal"); else printf("not equal"); getch(); } what is the output? with reason

6 9717

write a c program to find the roots of a quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0

11 44045

How is a two dimensional array passed to function when the order of matrix is not known at complie time?

1 2907

How can I access a memory located at certain address?

2 4432

How can we allocate array or structure bigger than 64kb?

2 3925

How can I read a directory in a c program?

1 3722

How can I increase the allowable number of simultaneously open files?

1 3776

1. What will be the output of the following programs. a) #include Main() { Int x=4; While(x==1) { X=x-1; Printf(ā€œ%dā€,x); --x; } }

7 7840

simple program of graphics and thier outpu display with a want what is out put of graohics in c language

1 3013

i=10,j=20 j=i,j?(i,j)?i:j:j print i,j

1 3012

main() { float f1=10.5; double db1=10.5 if(f1==db1) printf("a"); else printf("b") }

2 5540

main() { static int ivar=5; printf("%d",ivar--); if(ivar) main(); }

3 10807

Can you explain what keyboard debouncing is, and where and why we us it? please give some examples


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CSC C Interview Questions

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Tell me what does $_env means?


What apps are written in python?


State some of the uses append query?


What is deferred execution?


Hi Jeevan/Akshara I have tried to contact SASI Vats for latest Advanced SAS Programming Certification Dumps (A00-212) but have not got any response. I would highly and gratefully appreciate your assistance in this regard. If you guys have access to this, would you be kind enough to forward it to me ? I would abide by all the terms you have for this. Please, note my email id: Preti Sharma


Is hibernate bad for ssd?


Why do we need route guards?


What is the use of hashcode in java ?


What is early testing?


Is swift similar to c?


What is inverse hibernate?


How do you perform risk classification? What is the difference between low, medium and high-risk classification?


Explain Power Control.


How is ubuntu operating system?


How to find the given query is optimised one or not?