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Cognizant Informatica Interview Questions
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How can you display only hidden files in UNIX

4 9038

write a query row to column follwing source? quarter sales q1 5000 q1 9000 q1 7000 q1 6000 q2 5000 q2 4000 q2 3000 q2 1000 q3 4000 q3 3000 q3 1000 q3 2000 q4 5000 q4 400 i want the output? q1 q2 q3 q4 sales

3 6829

what is the size ur source like(file system or database)? how many record daily come u r banking project?


in what type of scenario bulk loading and normal loading we use?

2 5792

in aggregator transformation we want to get middle record how to implement, source containg empno,name sal,deptno,address

1 2449

In which scenario did u used Mapping variable?

1 1982

What are the challenges you have faced in your project?

1 17055

Why we use ENABLE HIGH PRECISION in session properties?

2 13237

source : xml file target: xml file how can we check data loaded into target xml file using writing sql query. pls help on this asap.


I have name like INDIA in a column. I want display 1st line A, 2nd line N, 3rd line D, 4th line I, 5th line A in oracle data base?

1 8351

What is different between informatica version 8 and 9 version

1 2733

scenario where i can use only concurrent execution of workflow.


how to send unique records to one target and duplicate records to another target by using dynamic lookup cache????? please explain me briefly///(when we use this we look up on which target unique target ya duplicate target)

3 11389

Scenario:-  Below is the requirement. Source:-  NAME          ID                    Requirement  RAVI            1                      (no need to repeat as it ID is 1) KUMAR        3                     (repeat 3 times as it ID is 3) John             4                     (repeat 4 times as it ID is 4) Required Out Put:- Name                   ID RAVI                     1                    KUMAR                3      KUMAR                3 KUMAR                3  John                     4 John                     4 John                     4 John                     4 Scenario 2:- Source Data  ID              NAME 1,2            NETEZZA,ORACLE 3,4,5         SQL Server, DB2, Teradata Required Output:-  ID                   NAME 1                  NETEZZA 1                  ORACLE 3                  SQL Server 3                  DB2 3                  Teradata

1 4145

Differences between version 7.x and 8.x.


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Cognizant Informatica Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Define representative elementary volume?


What are the critical scenarios in production support? Tell me some examples?


What is VAT TDS? when it is applied & at what rate?


What is DStream?


Describe tree rotation in avl tree.


What is nmon tool do?


Insertnotification, basic notification difference between them? why we need to create trigger sequence,buffer table  manually in basic notification


How does npp relate to the energy pyramids?


How do you send files to the legacy systems from sap and vice versa? How does one know that the legacy files have come on to the sap server you are working on? : abap bdc


Why is css3 important?


What is the command arp used for?


What is style sheet and its types?


What is a TaskInstance?


Difference between top-of-page and top-of-page during at line- selection?


What is a bookmark in word?