what is RMU ?
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Answer / khuwa skosana
I think RMU is a Ring Main Unit, its a type of switchgear.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 393 Yes | 18 No |
Answer / pavan kumar
RMU: Ring Main Unit. RMU used for H.T.side. RMU is having
3no.s of switches(Circuit Breakers or Isolators or LBS), it
is used for two inputs with mechanical or electrical
interlock and one outgoing to the load. Either one input
with two outgoings. RMU used for redundancy feeder’s
Is This Answer Correct ? | 279 Yes | 12 No |
Answer / uttam a dhuri
Ring Main Unit. RMU used for H.T.side. RMU is having
3no.s of switches(Circuit Breakers or Isolators or LBS), it
is used for two inputs with mechanical or electrical
interlock and one outgoing to the load. Either one input
with two outgoings. RMU used for redundancy feeder’s
Is This Answer Correct ? | 121 Yes | 5 No |
Answer / ali
Ring Main Unit: links the high voltage side in the loop.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 64 Yes | 8 No |
Answer / vale
The RMU is intended to be used in medium voltage (11KV to
36KV) Ring distribution system in any power
supply/distribution utilities. RMU offers greater
flexibility in supply system in maintaining continuity and
offers practically maintenance free operation. The RMUs are
very compact in size compared to MV switchgear panels.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 41 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / subin
Ring main unit is used in a secondary distribution system.
It is basically used for an uninterrupted power supply.
Alongside, it also protects your secondary side transformer
from the occasional transient currents. Depending on your
applications and loading conditons you can use a swicth
fuse combination or a circuit breaker to protect the
transformer. This transformer connected to the switch fuse/
circuit breaker is called your T off. In a common
arrangement you have Load break swicthes on both the sides
of your T off. Ring main Units come in standard ratings of
11/22/33 kV, 630/1250 A, 21 KA/3 secs.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 38 Yes | 6 No |
Answer / pattabiraman
RMU :-
Normally used by Electricity Boards
Ring Main Unit - Consists of 2 nos Isolators and one No
Circuit breaker. of 200A to 630Amps capacities
2Nos isolators used for Incoming as wells as Out going to
another Ring main unit or vise versa,
The Circuit breaker is common to both Isolators in the RMU
Used as out going to Distribution Transformer
Is This Answer Correct ? | 23 Yes | 3 No |
Answer / indramani pradhan
RMU is simple a switcher unit working with medium voltage
Is This Answer Correct ? | 56 Yes | 46 No |
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