when we connect a ceiling fan to a inverter's output
voltage, it give some noise, why?

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when we connect a ceiling fan to a inverter's output voltage, it give some noise, why?..

Answer / sunil pargania

inverter convert DC in to AC, but not pure AC some DC
component remain left in inverter's output volt. so due to
this DC component fan give the noise.

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when we connect a ceiling fan to a inverter's output voltage, it give some noise, why?..

Answer / raxit

Inverter output contains harmonics and THD of inverter is also high that detract motor performance.

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when we connect a ceiling fan to a inverter's output voltage, it give some noise, why?..

Answer / vinodkumarkkp

When dc to ac is converted , it is 12 v ac and t/f step up and due to this t/f does not step upto 220 v ,i.e. Nearby 220 v it is stepped up . But fans are not working properly below 220 volts a.c. I think this is also a reason.

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when we connect a ceiling fan to a inverter's output voltage, it give some noise, why?..

Answer / abhishek singh

capacitor ckts are present in invertours which converts dc
to ac current because capacitor does not passes dc
current.but all dc current are not able to filtered
through inverter some remains present in the current which
causes a sound in fan.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 3 No

when we connect a ceiling fan to a inverter's output voltage, it give some noise, why?..

Answer / dhaval

when we connect a celling fan with jenreter then pure
voltage like 240v is not provided fan even thogh it produse
some noise

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 11 No

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