Can somebody the configuration is done for the
automatic appearance of delevery date...loading
date....transportation date..picking date...packing
date...etc when we create delivery after sales order
transaction? Step-wise configuration answer will be
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Answer / bugs
you have a check box called propose delivery date in the
sales document controlling functions (vov8), just check
that box and try........
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Answer / boyilla
pick,pack date and loading date picks from the shipping
point.transit, transportation time picks from the route.
we configured pick,pack dates and loading dates in shipping
point details t-code well as transit and transport
dates in route.
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Answer / durga
1. Mainly all shiiping activities come from the shipping point definition in img-enterprise structure def -log execution-def shipping point det
and the factory calendar is also plays a key role for thes all dates
2.In material master record wether the mat is procured internally /externally in mrp 3 veiw
3.Vov8 req del date/commitment date/proposal for del date it all triggers to schedule line
4.and how the reqdel date is finalized by carrying backword scheduling or forward scheduling here all lead times , picking date etc will be taken into conclusion then final delv date will be finalised
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Answer / subha
the delivery date is basically determined by the schdule
lines basd on the avilability of the materila in MM01 OF
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Answer / mohd khaja shamsuddin
the delivery date is calculated based on
material availability + pick/pack time + loading time
+ transit time = delivery date to ship to party location
RLt --> maintained in mm01
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For Cash Sales & Rush Orders do you have separate distribution channels & shipping points for delivery? Please reply asap... Urgent!!!! Waiting for your response eagerly... Thanks in advance