How will you add colour in a row using ALV ?
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Answer / sunil kumar gautam
In final internal add a field
line_color(4) type C.
Insert value like 'C710’ according to your color choice in this field.
Define a Layout
Data: gd_layout type slis_layout_alv,
Define Routine
Form disp_layout.
gd_layout-info_fieldname ='LINE_COLOR'
Call this routine before display the grid.
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Answer / venkaiah chowdary rudrapati
1.Add non data base column to the final internal table of the length four characters
2.Declare the work area of the type slis_layout_alv this structure contains the one of the field info_fieldname.
3.set a loop to final internal table
4.populate color code as per requirement
5.pass the color_ffield to the info_fieldname
types:begin of typ_vbak,
vbeln type vbak-vbeln,
row_color(4) type c,
end of typ_vbak.
data:it_vbak type table of typ_vbak.
field-symbols:<fs_vbak> type typ_vbak.
data:gs_layout type slis_layout_alv.
select vbeln
from vbak
into table it_vbak up to 200 rows.
data:lv_col type n value 1.
if not it_vbak is initial.
loop at it_vbak assigning <fs_vbak>.
concatenate 'C' LV_COL 1 1 into <fs_vbak>-row_color.
if lv_col lt 7
lv_col = lv_col + 1.
lv_col = 1.
gs_layout-info_fieldname = 'ROW_COLOR'.
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Answer / vivek
Using Emphasize keyword with a structure slis_t_fieldcat_alv
you can color a row
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 6 No |
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