How do you define success?

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How do you define success?..

Answer / sheetal bhosle

Success is feeling of satisfaction on

Is This Answer Correct ?    34 Yes 1 No

How do you define success?..

Answer / shailesh

Some great People have said,
"Success is feeling of satisfaction on achievement"
I added more
"I is not the ending, it is one step to go ahead to the
next step which is at upper level"

Is This Answer Correct ?    19 Yes 1 No

How do you define success?..

Answer / kaizad

Success means different things to different people. For me
success is being able to achieve my objectives at work, job
satisfaction, being able to make enough to provide for my
needs and family.

Is This Answer Correct ?    18 Yes 1 No

How do you define success?..

Answer / vidhi gulati

success,acc to me is something one alwaz craves is a
step ahead in life........n its a never eding process.coz
if this comes to an end,life wud cum to a
it wud lead to self actualization which hardly ppl attain

Is This Answer Correct ?    14 Yes 2 No

How do you define success?..

Answer / vipul kumar

Success is the feeling that you get at achievements of your
goals, that could be financially satsifaction for u as well
as employers satisfaction by your work!

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How do you define success?..

Answer / shybliss

Success is continuously improving and excelling in a job
that you love to do.

Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 3 No

How do you define success?..

Answer / sweetgirl

In my opinion I feel that success is not some thing that can
be achieved by putting few efforts.
It consists of three key areas:
1. Attitude
2. Ability
3. Creativity
If one is able to put equal efforts from all these areas.
He/she would be a successful person
• Attitude: one who doesn't show interest on any
work would not give him/her success
• Ability: one who has attitude and creativity may not be
able to complete the work because he may be too small to
start it.
• Creativity: presenting any thing in an effective/different
manner rather than presenting as it is called creativity. It
plays a key role in success
So, finally I conclude that every one should keep these
points in mind for achieving success in their life

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How do you define success?..

Answer / nandhini

Success is a secret of one person's birth. Success is not a constant one but success is a acheivement of our life. So be confident to achieve a success. Put an effort displays our SUCCESS.

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How do you define success?..

Answer / pradeep

Sucess is not only from one end it should be both end in
point of company aswell your life

in company : it gives u bread & butter so if u r
participate in its sucess it s also u rs

in Your's : if u r able to fullfill are necesary needs for
u r family its sucess

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 4 No

How do you define success?..

Answer / jaish

In my own words successful person is,when your signature
become autograph.

Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 8 No

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