What are the most important things in making a company
successful and what is the role of an employee in its
success ?

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What are the most important things in making a company successful and what is the role of an emplo..

Answer / mallik

There are several important things that are required to
create the most successful company possible. One of them
is identifying good people; they must be hard working and
dedicated. We should give room for the people and
authority to grow -- by making them responsible for the
day to day issues. They work with us, not for us. If we
believe that we have to do it all, or that we actually can
do it all, we will never grow beyond a certain point.

Is This Answer Correct ?    27 Yes 1 No

What are the most important things in making a company successful and what is the role of an emplo..

Answer / kelley

Success can't be defined in a single line, it is a
continous process. So, to make a compny successful we
should upgrade our own self continously along with giving
our best to the concern.Without showpiece showcase doesn't
make sense so, employees role is very vital, they should
love their work and the company as if they are staying in a
home away from home.

Is This Answer Correct ?    14 Yes 1 No

What are the most important things in making a company successful and what is the role of an emplo..

Answer / vikram

Hiring good and talented People.There should not be any
partiality, finding a good talent and giving them a fair
chance to grow.Automatically company grows.

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 2 No

What are the most important things in making a company successful and what is the role of an emplo..

Answer / rad

Not one of your answers mentions customers. The most
important thing to a company is it's customers. Retaining
and getting new customers keeps the company running.
Everything else should hang from that golden nail.

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 3 No

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