Personnel Management Interview Questions
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What experience have you had in personnel administration?

Microtek, Orient, Telnet,


Explain the personnel functions that you have been responsible for?

Claris Lifesciences,

2 5469

Explain a time when you advised a supervisor and the supervisor chose to ignore your counsel.what would you have done differently?

3 6973

what is important for personal manager?

5 7609

What are some career opportunities for entertainment managers in the field of Music Management?


What are some career opportunities for entertainment managers in the field of Events Management?

1 3967

What are some opportunities for entertainment managers in the field of Venue Management?

1 3838

What are some opportunities for entertainment managers in the field of Sport Management?


What is the market like for EM majors?


How important is experience for EM managers?


what is the difference between a Talent agent and a personal manager?

2 6193

What is the industry standard commission for a Manager and an Agent?

1 7399

What are the duties of a personal manager?

8 29819

wat s the difference between Job & Vaccancy

5 13373

What is the next number of this sequence 10,8,7,14,15,13,12,24,25,23?


11 37565

Post New Personnel Management Questions

Un-Answered Questions { Personnel Management }

What is the actuator mechanism definition and function....?


“A cost may be direct cost as well as indirect cost at the same time. Explain with arguments,whether you agree with the statement or not?” (Answer must be less than 100 words)


I cleared the Federal bank po exam. Now i am preparing for the interview. But i am so much confused what i hav to prepare.. And how i behav in front of them.. Am a little bit tensed about that.. In fact, am poor in my language.. Could any one help me for improving my language skills????


Imagine that your appointed as the manager of a reputed company. How will you plan the various activities in your organisation


What is the actuator lever definition and tunction


Dear Sir, Please what is the HR introductions of the belows: - Skills training - Performance measures - Vacation leave administration: - Retirement plans: - Employee handbooks: - Company publications: - Labor low compliance: - Relocation and outplacement service. - Policy creation: - Policy communication: - Record keeping - Policies to ensure lawful behavior: - Reporting: - Posting information safety inspections: - Accessibility accommodation - Human resource planning and forecasting change management.


coordination should be an individual responsibility rather than the other insisting the coordination.justify your answer.


how can i get past literature review about recruitment and promotion.


What is the contacts definition and function....?


How important is experience for EM managers?


I want to learn how to read and understand different terms of Letter of Credit to correctly in order to preform Letter of Credit issued against my company by my client. Please let me know where I could find out the point wise definition/explanation of each article. Thanks


what are the necessary qualities for the successful personnel manager


can u brief me your resume


How will you influence people to strive willingly for group objectives in your organization (target based industry)? Apply your interpersonal influence through communication process towards attaining your specialized goals?


how to prepare for cat exam ?.. hn 3 months?