What is the link between credit management and subtotals?
How they are related?
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Answer / bvr
see there is the link between credit management and
subtotals. The reason why, Business grant credit to the
customer.so all the credit amounts of customer must stored
in correspoinding tables in our sap system. so that In
Pricing procedure for the condition type Net value we
assign A In the field Subtotal.
the table for credits is komp-cmpre
Is This Answer Correct ? | 21 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / gopikris26
actually this question should be like credit management is
linked with pricing procedure.
yes when we create pr00 the subtotal field should be A ie
credit price.
subtotal will place the pr00 price in the credit master
record to compare. ie fd32.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / riyaj
i havent find any link between the credit management and
subtotals , if any one know the answer for this Q?
plz let me no
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / pinky jaiswal
through subtotal we have to determine credit limit of the
customer account during the creation of invoice or sales order.
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Answer / sap light
By giving the SubTo as A for, for eg to Total, in the Pricing Procedure, the credit value will post KOMP-CMPRE and the value will be reflected in the field CMPRE. If you would check the table VBAP, the field CMPRE will have a value.
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