explain dynamic binding by drowing

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explain dynamic binding by drowing..

Answer / venkatesh

Dynamic binding means knowing the state of an object at
runtime is k/as Dynamic binding.It is also k/as Late Binding.
Static binding means knowing the state of an objects at
compile time , also k/as Early Binding.

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explain dynamic binding by drowing..

Answer / raja

Dynamic binding and static binding have to do with
inheritance. In Java, any derived class object can be
assigned to a base class variable. For instance, if you
have a class named Animal from which you derived the class
Dog, you can do this:

Animal myAnimal = new Dog();

The variable on the left is type Animal, but the object on
the right is type Dog. As long as the variable on the left
is a base class of Dog, you are allowed to do that. Being
able to do assignments like that sets up what is
called "polymorphic behavior": if the Dog class has a
method that is the same as a method in the Animal class,
then the version of the method in the Dog class will be
called. For instance, if both classes define a method
called show(), and you do this:


the version of show() in the Dog class will be called. Even
though you are using an Animal variable type to call the
method show(), the version of show() in the Animal class
won't be executed. Instead, it is the version of show() in
the Dog class that will be executed. The type of the object
that is assigned to the Animal variable determines the
method that is called.

So, when the compiler scans the program and sees a
statement like this:


it knows that myAnimal is of type Animal, but the compiler
also knows that myAnimal can be a reference to any class
derived from Animal. Therefore, the compiler doesn't know
what version of show() that statement is calling. It's not
until the assignment:

Animal myAnimal = new Dog();

is executed that the version of show() is determined. Since
the assignment doesn't occur until runtime, it's not until
runtime that the correct version of show() is known. That
is known as "dynamic binding" or "late binding": it's not
until your program performs some operation at runtime that
the correct version of a method can be determined. In Java,
most uses of inheritance involve dynamic binding.

"Static binding" or "early binding" occurs when the
compiler can readily determine the correct version of
something during compile time, i.e. before the program is
executed. In Java, member variables have static binding
because Java does not allow for polymorphic behavior with
member variables. That means if both the Animal class and
the Dog class have a member variable with the same name,
it's the base class version that is used. For instance, if
you set up the necessary ingredients for polymorphic

Animal myAnimal = new Dog();

and both the Animal and Dog classes have a String member
variable 'type', then if you do this:

String str = myAnimal.type;

the value of 'type' can be fully determined by the
compiler. Because polymorphic behavior is not allowed for
member variables, that statement is referring to the value
of 'type' in the Animal class--not the Dog's value
for 'type'. The result is: with member variables, it's the
type of the variable(e.g. myAnimal) that determines which
version is called--not the type of the object the variable
refers to(e.g. Dog). When the compiler is able to figure
out the correct version of something during compilation,
that's known as static binding.

Here is an example of both dynamic and static binding:

class Animal
public String type = "mammal";

public void show()
System.out.println("The animal is a: " + type);

class Dog extends Animal
public String type;
//same member variable name as in base class

public Dog(String type)
this.type = type;

public void show()
//same method signature as in base class
System.out.println("The dog is a: " + type);

public class DemoStaticBinding
public static void main(String[] args)
Animal doggie = new Dog("daschund");
// "The dog is a: daschund" (dynamic binding)

System.out.println("The type is: " + doggie.type);
//"The type is: mammal" (static binding)

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