In system landscape where the sand box and golden box exists?
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Answer / pia
The sandbox and the golden client exist in the development
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Answer / mahesh
The Golden box and sandbox are fond only in Development
server. we do all R&D in sand box and and final config in
Golden box.Testing and training founds in Quality server,
and Production server is used for Production by the client.
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Answer / sri
In the system landscape
Golden box is under development server only, and used for
development purpose. Where as Sand box is under Quality
server only, and used for end user testing and training
purpose also we can utilize the same.
Hope this is correct, if u feel in correct pls sugget..
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Answer / santosh kumar
for sandbox it is diff. to company and copmpany. some
company has different servers for sandbox(ex. pharma and
chemical industry)for some other company sandbox will in the
DEV server.but the golden clint will always in QAS server
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