What is Condition Supplement in pricing procedure?
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Answer / m ashok kumar
a)When the company wants to give certain discounts irrespective of customer and material till certain period then we can map the business scenario with condition supplement feature.
b)Configuration settings for this condition supplement:
Define the new pricing procedure in v/08 and include the conditions that are going to participate as a condition supplements for the base price
for example:
step counter condition type
10 0 PR00
20 0 K004
30 0 K005
40 0 k007
save and exit
we have to specify the new pricing procedure field of master data section at definition of PR00(v/06)
save and exit
go to condition records VK11
Specify the condition type Pr00
Maintain the condition record to the line item and select the line item .
Maintain the condition records for condition supplements like K004,K005 and K007 then save and exit.
Then raise the sales order /nva01
go to ->Item-> conditions
check whether our condition supplements are existed or not
M Ashok Kumar
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Answer / manoj kumar guin
If you want to apply/link more that one condition type with one condition type then sap provides the option for condition supplement.
Suppose you want to give more that one discount to customer and you need to link to one condition type and you need to create condition record for one condition type, but as a result all the condition type you linked are automatically populate because of the functionality of condition supplement.
Manoj Kumar guin
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Answer / nag
Condition suppliment is nothing but it is the process of adding one condition record to another condition record,
if main condition record determine into sales document, then only suppliment record will be determine,
If main record is not determine into sales document, then suppliment record will not determine
For this process first we have to define new pricing procedure in v/08
in this pricing procedure we've to mention main condition type and suppliment condition type
then we've to go for main condition type controls i.e v/06 and mention the condition suppliment pricing procedure
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