I have got selected for Aurobindo Pharma AR&D, HR person is asking me to sign in agreement. can I join?
19 39955Why sulfuric acid is used in sulphated ash / residue on ignition test.
CS Pharmaceuticals, Dr Reddys, GVK, HPLC, Micro Labs, Samrudh, Watson Pharmaceuticals, Wings Customer Care,
9 75207During Validation study, Recovery is passing at all levels but Linearity is failing. Justify?
1 4134If we do accuracy at same concentration at which linearity planned,what is the need to do linearity separately?
1831Post New Analytical Chemistry Questions
Basic principle of ESI?
what is classification of elemental impurities? what is risk assement in elemental impurities?
if you have given one product then how you determine the impurity in that?
how a particular wavelength can be different for a particular compund while analysing by uv and by HPLC.
what is definition of validation? which components are followed give detail?
How will u perform degradation study in detectors other thann PDA in HPLC Methodology
How to determine the EDTA content by potentiometry titration in Ceftriaxine sodium
how can give the expiry period and restadardisation of volumetric solution
What if impurity area in control sample coming more as compared to LOQ level of impurity ?
In the isomers,enantiomers give the only physical properties present such that no chemical properties present.
Why we use potassium dichromate in uv calibration Exact reason behind it??
How require to develop GC method? how to select diluent, GAS, column selection and other chromatographic conditions?
why we use Dichlorobenzene.nitrobezine.t-butyldi sulhate.for calibration of gc Head space
we can use expired sample for validation and analyst qualification?