Chemistry Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what is lithipone?

Dr Reddys, Jubilant, Lupin, ONGC, Reddy Labs,

6 22577

what is redox potential of an organic compound?

Dr Reddys, Glenmark, Lupin, Reddy Labs,

2 17893

what is saponification of oils?

Cipla, Indian Potash Limited,

2 16058

How 'salting out' process is used in extraction?

PH.D Interview,

2 17241

What are geometrical isomerism? Explain them with an example?

PH.D Interview,

1 12836

Mention the factors affecting solubility of compounds?

PH.D Interview,

9 17226

NH2-CH2-COOH belongs to what structure?

Dr Reddys,

11 29970

what are ligases?which type of reactions they will catalyse?

1 6679

what happens when aminoacids react with alcohols?

GVK, GVK Biosciences, Pharmaceutical, Reddy Labs,

3 17406

what is the difference between coordinate covalent bond and covalent bond?

Flamingo Pharmaceuticals,

9 33334

what are the 4 classes of unsaturated fatty acids?

College School Exams Tests, Snowcem Paints,

1 5682

why the atomic weights are in fractions?

1 7263

Which is useful in the manufacture of Insectisides?

RR Enterprises,

2 6942

The Name Benzene was Proposed By?

Cipla, GVK, Torrent Pharma,

24 31067

Number of Sigma Bonds Present in Benzene are same as ..?


13 24343

Un-Answered Questions { Chemistry }

Why a1% value is used for some product ? What is the criteria for selection a1% value ?


what parameters we will consider while developing a HPLC method and how we confirm our HPLC method is valid?


how require to set assay concentration for standard and sample?


What are constituents of brass?


what is mean by peak intigrity?


Why there is no bond with 100% ionic character...??


How do we get end points and how many end points are possible for citric acid and di-acid not theorotically answer should be given practically.


what is stero electronic factor.2 what is steric control factor and what is product control factor


why require to do water content for drug product?


A ha tc is actual defination of retention time?


What is the purpose of adding urea?


In HPLC calibration, caffeine is used as primary standard for wave length calibration due to caffeine is having dual maxima at 273 & 205 nm and one minima at 245 nm. Any body can give reference of these details from any pharmacopeia (with chapter no.) or any other authentic guideline?


Describe the process of Actinium extraction from its primary sources and how it's obtained for various applications.


How can I develope method of dissolution by HPLC OR UV


How to establish relative response factor for hplc. Why it is required?