Chemistry Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what is lithipone?

Dr Reddys, Jubilant, Lupin, ONGC, Reddy Labs,

6 23166

what is redox potential of an organic compound?

Dr Reddys, Glenmark, Lupin, Reddy Labs,

2 18231

what is saponification of oils?

Cipla, Indian Potash Limited,

2 16341

How 'salting out' process is used in extraction?

PH.D Interview,

2 17479

What are geometrical isomerism? Explain them with an example?

PH.D Interview,

1 13066

Mention the factors affecting solubility of compounds?

PH.D Interview,

9 17872

NH2-CH2-COOH belongs to what structure?

Dr Reddys,

11 30867

what are ligases?which type of reactions they will catalyse?

1 6870

what happens when aminoacids react with alcohols?

GVK, GVK Biosciences, Pharmaceutical, Reddy Labs,

3 17717

what is the difference between coordinate covalent bond and covalent bond?

Flamingo Pharmaceuticals,

9 33984

what are the 4 classes of unsaturated fatty acids?

College School Exams Tests, Snowcem Paints,

1 5908

why the atomic weights are in fractions?

1 7495

Which is useful in the manufacture of Insectisides?

RR Enterprises,

2 7200

The Name Benzene was Proposed By?

Cipla, GVK, Torrent Pharma,

24 32566

Number of Sigma Bonds Present in Benzene are same as ..?


13 25194

Un-Answered Questions { Chemistry }

Is benzene aromatic?


What are common snowflake shapes?


How to fix the sample conc. in Related substances test by HPLC?


can you email me because I have a report and I need you to answer these questions if you would like to if not I completely under stand.


If we do accuracy at same concentration at which linearity planned,what is the need to do linearity separately?


Explain extraction of ephedrine from a mineral block?


how much mass should be there in volumetric flask while in preparation of sample for assay? 


Why is ammonium hydroxide added to the brass solution?


in hplc chromatogram started from left to right and in uv spectrum started from left to right


How is hardness of water caused?


Any one is alembic pharmaceutical ltd. On starting to job ?


What is the resulting solution when benzene and toluene are mixed ?


As a researcher working with Protactinium, what areas of study or applications would you be most interested in pursuing, and why?


What are the applications of electrochemical cell? : Electrochemistry Corrosion


What is modern definition(iupac) of ph?