Definition of beers_ lamberts law
Aarti Industries, Agio Pharmaceuticals, Emcure, Supriya Lifescience,
4 6899if out of two set of results of moisture analysis first 1 is passing, second one is failing, is it oos ? or vice a versa first 1 is failing and second one is passing. for information mean value to be reported and in mean value the substance is ppassing, is it oos or normaal mean value to be considered?
1 3057Post New Analytical Chemistry Questions
how require to fix the linearity and accuracy cincentration range?
How we performed the force degradation for drug substance, is any specific guideline is available for each parameter(Acidic, basic, oxidation,heat)? what conditions you mentained for above parameters.
From where require to take the RLD sample?
for which product require to do content uniformity? what is limit of cu?
I have compare C2H2-air and C2H2-N2O flame AAS on determination calcium. Both use same range of std to plot calibration curve. (2-6ppm) When i measure the sample with phosphate, KCl and LaCl, C2H2-N2O flame give false positive result, around 0.5ppm. When i measure the sample with phosphste, KCl and EDTA. C2H2-N2O flame also give 0.5ppm false positive. But both above mentioned sample would not give false positive when measured by C2H2-air flame. What is the reason?
How would you decide dissolution medium for NCE compound of class I drug
what parameters we will consider while developing a HPLC method and how we confirm our HPLC method is valid?
how to qualify the impurity?
what is biorelivent dissolution media?
Loss of linearity in tkn analysis, possible reasons?
In HPLC calibration, caffeine is used as primary standard for wave length calibration due to caffeine is having dual maxima at 273 & 205 nm and one minima at 245 nm. Any body can give reference of these details from any pharmacopeia (with chapter no.) or any other authentic guideline?
what is mean by ambient temperature?
why salisylic acid not using now days for disdolution calibration?
what type of question will ask in the interview of lab chemist.