verify nmos passes good logic 0 and passes bad logic 1.also verify that pmos passes good logic 1 and passes bad logic 0.
2 31109Post New HP VLSI Interview Questions
What are the components of rdbms?
what is wavelenght and staylight? deferance beetween ultravoilet range and visible range.
What is difference between datatable and dataset?
How do I disable cowsay?
Can somebody explain me with examples about the following terms?
Does the selenium have any limitations?
I am working in IT sector and also doing regular MBA so want to know tricks regarding management of Job and Education on same time? I get some tricks here by Internet Surfing Someone have any more ideas?
in user parameter property we have list of values.can we write select query for binding? for example:: select empno from emp where deptno=:deptnum :deptnum is first parameter it displays distinct dept nos. if i do like this it is giving error:: bind variables are not allowed in the select statement
Why do we use swing in java?
What is mvvm in ios?
Define cascade and inverse option in one-many mapping?
Explain difference between modulus of resilience and modulus of rigidity ?
Explain facades in laravel?
What is an update task? : abap modularization
What is the function of module?