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HP Operating Systems General Concepts Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is Difference between thread and process?

28 260841

How to communicate between difference process?

2 9191

What is the best way of communication in multi process environment? ex: getting log from different applications from multi servers?

1 3956

What is scheduling and How it effects the processor efficiency?

2 4589

What is virtual memory, if OS didt have that concept What are the problems can arise?

6 15154

What is the best suited algorithm to avoid internal fragmentation?

2 8711

How to escape from external fragmentation?

2 4941

What is difference in managing processes in windows, unix, RTOS?


What is the difference between mutex and semaphore?

14 57813

What are counting semaphores?

4 14079

which is best among semaphores and mutexes?

2 6700

which is best among pipes, queues, shared memory and why?

2 5942

What are named pipes?

3 5913

What is the signal?

1 4541

What is the highest priority software interrupt?

1 5062

Post New HP Operating Systems General Concepts Interview Questions

HP Operating Systems General Concepts Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Which testing method is used to check the software in abnormal condition?


What happens when we submit a spark job?


Why ca not a drupal user edit a node they created?


What is bootstrap 4 navs?


When does a class need a virtual destructor?


What is the procedure to create a data mart?


Are rss feeds still used?


can you allow a class to be inherited, but prevent the method from being over-ridden?


Why chemists have not created a periodic table of compounds?


what are the documents(Construction point of view for a process plant) submitted by contactor initially entering in to new site for client?


What is google dagger?


What do the f keys do on mac?


What is an er diagram?


What is hardlink and softlink in unix?


Explain the different scenarios wherein you need to use different types of collections i.e list, set and map?