where do you consider salary in an income statement? whether it is to be taken before gross profit or after net profit? answer with reasons.
2 5279Post New HP Accounting AllOther Interview Questions
What are the advantages Information System Architecture Framework in term of analysis and system design
When should a company consider issuing debt instead of equity?
What are the differences between stored procedure and the dynamic sql?
How does a web application session work?
How do python thread safe?
Why is it called the recycle bin windows?
How do you prove that by default, Case Object is Serializable and Normal Object is not?
please tell me the informatica telecom projects interview question? like if they ask about project explanation and the difficulties and the solutions taken to solve the issues for telecom projects,e.g i am workin for a vodafone project handlin postpaid section,pls tell me wat wud be the process if i work in this ? thanks
What is the service?
Explain the word Liquidation
When an app is said to be in active state?
What is the difference between list and tuples in python?
what are the advantages of server to server communication?
Does spring boot use tomcat? : Spring Boot
Is there a way to switch on strings?