1.Where we declare Variables in RPG/400,RPGIV,RPGILE.? 2.When do we use D-spec and I-spec in real time ?.what is difference between them?
1 12801Post New HP RPG400 Interview Questions
Give the significance of P-815.
Explain how to program micro controller?
How do I number pages in ms word?
What are python scripts used for?
What is the difference between chkdsk and sfc?
How do I know if my hardware supports 64 bit?
Is QTP Supports SWT applications? If yes, can you write a sample script for opening a new package in eclipse.
What is the purpose of cloaking?
What is jdbc template?
How to display employee records who gets more salary than the average salary in the department?
What is an array formula in excel?
What are swing components in java?
What is php regular expression?
What are properties in UiPath?
Compare satellite with fiber as a communication medium and enumerate the application areas where satellite still holds a niche(or special)marker.