How to create a Primary foriegn key because there is no PFK in account for Opprtunity ,it is 1:M relationship
3 7227How do you disable a Siebel application user. how can we flag them, so that they are easily visible compared to active user in GUI.
7822Post New HP Siebel Interview Questions
What is the protocol in PLC
What does sizeof return c?
How is true positive rate and recall related?
What is administered objects in jms?
What is modeling?
How to check table size in db2 sap?
Is fortran faster than c?
how generator avr give to the input?
Please brief me future of ayurveda in India & abroad.
What is kafka logs?
What services use iis?
What is refs?
Power is interrupted while transferring data from internal table to application server. How will you determine many records are transferred in session method and call transaction method? : abap bdc
Whom do you admire the most and why?
what are the different methods to test a product in 'Japanese' language? NOTE:User is unable to perform basic functionalities while using the app..(copy, paste, text selection etc.)