what is the business
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Answer / monu bansal
A business (also called a company, enterprise or firm) is a
legally recognized organization designed to provide goods
and/or services to consumers
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Answer / sandeep meena
business means producing &selling product or services to
get max profit and built an image among othr organization.
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Answer / hedayat ahmadi
business means buying in selling of goods in service for the propose of earning profit.
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Answer / karuppaiya
Business means Risk.those who are take risk shine in life.
the people doing business means taken risk.all other dont
want to take risk...
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Dear ones, Currently am doing job in a retail industry as a floor manager.But doing this job cuts you from your social life n' that's y i am somewhat depressed. Also i want to go in marketing related jobs (advertisements,marketing Promotions, etc)in any well known company but no to insurence field as well. what can i do then? Please suggest me, i am so much confused ! Pallav Verma Raipur (C.G.),India
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