Whats meant by trivector meter where it is connected at the

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Whats meant by trivector meter where it is connected at the substation?..

Answer / jaimin modi

i am not giving answer here.But i want to ask Mr.Shanker
Malagamma that can u explain me what is the meaning of this
import export facility..??????plz explain if any one others
also know about that?????thanking you

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Whats meant by trivector meter where it is connected at the substation?..

Answer / surajit mishra

This refers to Mr Jaimin Modi's question about Import and Export. Suppose you are operating an industry, and you have also installed a Generator. So, you are a consumer importing energy from the grid and you are also a producer and can export energy. The Trivector meter designed for 4-quadrant operation can record energy imported by you from the grid and also energy exported to the grid. The billing is done substracting one from the other value.

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Whats meant by trivector meter where it is connected at the substation?..

Answer / gundra chakrababu

The Trivector meter is a measuring instrument which measures the Active Power, Reactive Power and Total Energy consumed of a power line

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Whats meant by trivector meter where it is connected at the substation?..

Answer / nizam

Mr.Jaimin Modi & Mr.Sundar..,Basically 4 quadrants are available in vector diagram. 0 to 90 and 0 to 270 are called 90 lag to 90 lead. these 2 quadrants are import because of the current flow. other 2 that means 90deg to 180 & 180 to 270 are called as a export. because the current direction is reverse. if the current direction is reverse, we are upload the current. so it means export. I hope u understood...,

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Whats meant by trivector meter where it is connected at the substation?..

Answer / k panthi

Import and Export can be simply explained as when the current flows into the feeders its(Import) and when the current flows out of the transformer its(Export)

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Whats meant by trivector meter where it is connected at the substation?..

Answer / nirupa chaturvedi

A Kelvin bridge (also called a Kelvin double bridge and in
some countries a Thomson bridge) is a measuring instrument
invented by William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin. It is used to
measure an unknown electrical resistance below 1 Ω. Its
operation is similar to the Wheatstone bridge except for the
presence of additional resistors. These additional low value
resistors and the internal configuration of the bridge are
arranged to substantially reduce measurement errors
introduced by voltage drops in the high current (low
resistance) arm of the bridge [1].It consist of two ratio
arms. The outer ratio arm contains the known resistors and
the inner ratio arm helps to connect the one terminal of the
galvanometer at the appropriate point (which was the
disadvantage of the Kelvin first bridge).

Principle of operation

The measurement is made by adjusting some resistors in the
bridge, and the balance is achieved when:

Resistance R should be as low as possible (much lower than
the measured value) and for that reason is usually made as a
short thick rod of solid copper. If the condition R3·R`4 =
R`3·R4 is met (and value of R is low), then the last
component in the equation can be neglected and it can be
assumed that:

Which is equivalent to the WheatstoN

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Whats meant by trivector meter where it is connected at the substation?..

Answer / hiren pathar

Actually the trivector meter is used to measure
kw,kv,kva,kvarh,power factor in base of tariff plan , plant,
generation etc.
normally they call export, import etc.but it used to in three
phase circuit , so it called trivector, because its a common
of three vector in vector diagram

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Whats meant by trivector meter where it is connected at the substation?..

Answer / aneesha

trivector meter is a divice that measure the amount of
electrical energy supplied to or produced by
residence,bussiness,or machine.The trivector has automatic
self diagonostic check.In the absence of supply,it provides
even minute reading.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 6 No

Whats meant by trivector meter where it is connected at the substation?..

Answer / m raviteja

Trivector meter is Electronic type Energy Meter which
measures energy parameters, like active power, Reactive
power,apparent power, Power Factor, frequency etc.
Through which we can know how much energy recieved or
It is connected in the substation to incoming or outgoing
feeders to know how energy is given out or recieved from
other end, or to Transformers on HV n LV side to know the
Transformer loss.
mainly used for maximum demand in large industries

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 13 No

Whats meant by trivector meter where it is connected at the substation?..

Answer / manasa

trivector meter is a device that measures the amount of
electrical energy supplied to or produced by residence,
business, or machine.
The most common type is more properly known as a kilowatt
hour meter or a meter. When used in electricity retaining,
the utilities record the values measured by these meters to
generate an invoice for the electricity. They may also
record other variables including the time when the
electricity was used.
It is called as tri-vector meter because it measures the
energy consumption of the three phase line

Is This Answer Correct ?    20 Yes 90 No

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