In Plug used in house,Why Earth of the plug more thicker & deeper?

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In Plug used in house,Why Earth of the plug more thicker & deeper?..

Answer / senthil

earth terminal is required to protect the human from schok
by increasing the area of the conductor resistence value of
conductor decreased. R=(ROW*L/A)

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In Plug used in house,Why Earth of the plug more thicker & deeper?..

Answer / yk

the device must erthed first before is gets voltage thats y
earth pin is longer in plug.

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In Plug used in house,Why Earth of the plug more thicker & deeper?..

Answer / arul

Thicker:in conducter area is high conductor resistense is
low so earth pin resistense less than two two pin.
deeper:first equipment will earthed next get the power
supply so earth pin is deeper.

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In Plug used in house,Why Earth of the plug more thicker & deeper?..

Answer / swapnil borade

we know that resistance is inversely proportional to area, as area is large then resistance is small & length of earth pin is large because first pin connected is earth & last disconnected is also earth & this is for to discharge the current & to protect the human body.

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In Plug used in house,Why Earth of the plug more thicker & deeper?..

Answer / n.ashok kumar

it is for convinence the head of the plug is thicker.suppose
the plug is not thicker,it same size of other(phase&neutral)
pin. sometimes we are all(if you are in tention)rotate the
plug and fix to the make electric shock on
appliance body .because earth wire connected to the
appliance body.

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In Plug used in house,Why Earth of the plug more thicker & deeper?..

Answer / mahesh kumar singh

For decreasing the resistance of wire sothat it can produce
less heat & protects the personal from shock. Leakage
current will pass faster and the instrument will be saved.

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In Plug used in house,Why Earth of the plug more thicker & deeper?..

Answer / dhayalan

Earth wire is required in home.because high and low voltage
protection....and it is save to use non technical

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In Plug used in house,Why Earth of the plug more thicker & deeper?..

Answer / suresh

every time earth is required to keep the system withstand in
high voltages& currents ,,,, so to protect the system from
high voltages it must be at high ratings .......

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 15 No

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