Human Resources Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is PCN?s?

econ, ITC Infotech,

3 23296

What is HCN?s?

2 16402

What is Compensation?

Nagarjuna Construction, NCC, Pantaloon,

19 40837

What is salary?

FleetGuard, TCS,

9 14935

What is wages?

10 14855

What is the Difference between salary and wage?

42 72449

What is Employee Morale?

1 8089

What is Fringe Benefits?

5 11347

Trade Unions?

3 12868

What are Incentives?


5 14100

What is Coordination?

7 20747

What is Controlling?

14 23997

What is On the Job Training?

5 10449

What is Off the Job Training?

16 45837

What is ERM?

2 8422

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Un-Answered Questions { Human Resources }

Name five recruitment incentives that can improve our company's competitive recruiting position.


For How many days salary is paid ? for how many days wages is paid ?


Dear friend, this is sriram from hyderabad,m doing my MBA(HR). At present am in 3rd semester. How is the market for us? and which type of jobs are offered for a MBA(HR) fresher? And i would like to do a job in Manufacturing sector , please let me know the supportive courses for that. Thanks in advance Sriram Adluri +919866737620


Hi Friends..... I am interested to write Groups.Can anyone guide me?Till now i didn't gave any attempt.How many attempts will be there for Group-1/Group-2/Civils?How much amount to spent totally to complete a particular one?And how much time to spend?I am thinking to give my first attempt in the year 2009.


can some body guide me with the steps in preparing the MIS report.


if we have 10 identical ball & will have to find the one ball in 3 trials whose weight may be more or less than other.How we can do it.


‘Why will we hire you among the 10 other candidates for the Sales role?


i have done M.S. in organic chemistry and now i got admission in M.B.A. (human resource management) for usa one sister is in london and another sister is in USA ,i am refused for visa becoz of them ,they said i won't come back after study.


why do you want a career in HR,where as you did your project in finance??


Dear Friends, I am having a 4+ years of experience in HR field and am planning to do SAP - HR general course (not the certification) but one of friend suggested me to go for SAP certification. But am confused whether to go for certification or general course?? If I have to do the certification how for its going to help?? How is the future for SAP CERTIFICATION?? NEED YOUR HELP, KINDLY ADVISE ME Best Regards Kiran M: +91 – 9632600115 Email:


how an organizational behaviour affects the success of an organization?


what i would like to contribute to bhel,s growth


what are the methods to measure managerial effectiveness


In any consulting firm, the time devoted doesn't matter. all that matters is the productivity. What kind of HR and leave policy will you formulate to ensure discipline and time line working along with the increased productivity?


What is job evaluation . How is it related to recruitment , competency mapping compensation & benefit