Human Resources Interview Questions
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i want to do sap course as i am fresher(mba hr) is it usefull to do sap hr without experience


How are you going to undertake Human Resource Planning at Macro Level to overcome the recession period?

1 2875

How much confident you are in working individually in terms of


What is the role of resource manager in the organization?

Yes Bank,

2 3411

what are the hr implications of Technical approach an External resource approach


what is difference between planning and strategic?


1 2271

If my salary is 11,ooo then how much my Basic ,HR & DA.



what is the HR Metrics?

1 2822

Worst ever IT consulting companies If you find any fake companies, kindly share it.

Primus Global,

2 2733

Recruitment is positive process while selection is negative process why?


Dear sir how i calculate the p.f & esic amount + & - like if a employee p.f amount is 122.05 so how much calculate 122 & 123. this is the same problem in esic pls give the answer


Gratuity & PF calculation & New Changes in rule ?

1 2154

How to generate combined challan of pf?


If you have done your BE in Computer science then why you choose HR as a profession ?


Describe a time when you are responsible for organizing different types of personnel to get work done and some of them weren't very enthusiastic. What did you do?

Thompson Hotels,


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Un-Answered Questions { Human Resources }

how much sap is necessery in hr?


What was the most difficult presentation that you've had to make? How did you overcome the difficulty?


can some body guide me with the steps in preparing the MIS report.


Why u switch your career from BSC ( foods & nutrition) to MBA ( HRM)


What do you understand by the term 'Big 4s'?


details about managerial effectiveness


As jobs become more team-oriented, assessment centers will be used more often for mon-management jobs.Do you agree or disagree?


I want to know if I do B Sc and MBA simultaneously whether it will be acceptable by organization (private / public) while I try for job opportunities. Or will they reject saying simultaneous graduation is not acceptable as I have seen organization asking for 12+3+2 years for qualification. I had previously done BA (2 years) then MCA (2 years). Pl. advice.


howto recruit the people in the hr also how to manage human in business?


I am a mba fresher and i got a job in wipro for the post of talent acquisition. And the salary is only Rs.6000 Do you think its chance for me to grow..


what is the mandatory t code for frontend recruitment process?


what are the duties of a staff as manpower management?


Aside from the requiement to be reasonable and fair, what action should an employer take when faced with a redundancy situation to alleviate this?


i am a mba professional,but i ve secured 59.5% in mba.will i get job in hr field ps tell me?


What are the governing principles under "reasonable accommodation"?