Human Resources Interview Questions
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In few of my interviews, the interviewers asked a question as ' Do you have any questions to ask? ' First thing that came to me is 'No'.Later I realized that this was not the right answer and I should provide an answer that is,as apt as the job i was going to seek at that time.Any better answer to this query?

4 7399

What is the pay philosophy? o Pay-for-Performance? o Seniority? o Pay-for-Knowledge?

1 6116

What is the compensation strategy?



Who decides the strategy…HR head, CEO, Compensation committee?


1 3380

what are the core area of HRM.

5 9388

what are RETRENCHMENT STRATEGIES ? all the detail

5 29506

what is recruitment cycle?

AAI Airports Authority Of India, DELL, IBM,

9 19684

what is MIS and compentation management?

8 11917

what is recruitment cycle?

Airtel, Wipro,

22 87065

i am going to attend an interview for the hr job so please guide me what questions i am going to expect in the time of interview and how i haveto answer.

1 9942

actually i know the answers for the questions asked in the interview but still cant answer it ina proper manner .

2 4087

Dear friends, what are the labour laws related to unorganisaed sector labours.



What is Recruitment ?

13 13441

In a room there are 3bulbs, and in the net room there are 3 switches. one can not see through the rooms, then how can you know that which switch is for which bulb with out taking any one's help?

5 8445

What are the methods of recruitment?

ABC, Human Resources,

28 121796

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Un-Answered Questions { Human Resources }

what is the 4 major purposrs of manpower management


how do the benefits of using a CPIS outweigh the disadvantages?


hi im soumali chakraborty,pursuing MBA in HR specialization,soon to face my placement interviews,plz help me to answer these questions.. Q1 Why u have chosen HR specialization? Q1 Were you want to see yourself 3-5yrs from now as a HR in the company? Q3 What are your goals as a HR in the company? Q4 Whe will be my career paths as a HR in the company?


what are the different strategies that are used for recruitment in the current trend and practically thinking why are they demanding experience at the entry level and how can they get experience as soon as the course is over ? What would be the expectation from the employers side in case of fresher or could not get an experience in the specific area?




list the detailed advantages and disadvantages of off the job training


I have completed my fashion technology course and after that i did my MBA,during interviews they used to ask like why i choose MBA after fashion technology.


What is compliance and what is the procedure of statutory compliance. Also can anybody send me the procedure for the same purpose. Thanks and Regards, HEERA KAMBOJ


what are the duties of a staff as manpower management?


why do you think you qualify for a human resources manager position


Where does Recruitment end and Selection begin?


Please send me Entrance exam sample pappers for management level of Shipping Corporation of india


I have done LL.B then M.B.A(HR).I don't have practical experience in law.I am being questioned many times in interview why I studied LL.B and then MBA.I could not answer this question properly.Can any one suggest how to answer this question? thanks& regards


In any consulting firm, the time devoted doesn't matter. all that matters is the productivity. What kind of HR and leave policy will you formulate to ensure discipline and time line working along with the increased productivity?


i want to do MBA from usa, but they dont give me visa .i have been rejected 2 i apply 3rd time.can i get visa?plz tell me