What is expansion of SMART Instruments? And What is it?
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Answer / rahul gandhi
Is This Answer Correct ? | 7 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / abdu salam tc
The term smart is not an abbreviation of something, It is
only a term for identifying the instrumentation instruments
having a programmable internal memory and setup for
configuration and calibration. These type instruments does
not need to apply any process inputs for calibration as
conventional instruments. The term HART (Highway
Addressable Remote Transducer) is the protocol used in
almost all the smart instruments.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / prasenjit biswas
Single Module Auto Ranging Transmitter
Is This Answer Correct ? | 17 Yes | 16 No |
Answer / pretheesh k k
sorry i dont agree with mandar
smart is not the advance of hart ........ smart is a trx but
hart is not a trx its a communicator to communicate smart (
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 5 No |
Answer / joby
"Smart" is a marketing term, not a technical definition.
Hence, smart means whatever the speaker attempts to define
it as, but you as the listener, are not obliged to accept
the speaker's definition.
Over the past 20 odd years, I have had people tell me smart
1) the ability to have the transmitter's output ranged
without applying an input
2) the ability to zero/range the transmitter output by
applying a process input and pressing a button
3) the ability to configure an elevation offset on a GP/DP
transmitter without applying a pressure.
4) the presence of a digital indicating readout on a
transmitter, as opposed to an analog indicator.
5) the compensation for temperature drift on pressure
transmitters by measuring the temperature and making
compensation for it.
6) the ability to change engineering units for the digital
7) the presence of any digital interface, whether it be
HART, foundation fieldbus, Profibus, or even Modbus.
8) the ability to get more than one variable from a
9) the presence of 'meaningful diagnostics'. The repeated
assertion of the value of 'meaningful diagnostics'. The
failure to show a 'meaningful diagnostic' or be able to
explain what any specific 'meaningful diagnostic' might be
10) The ability to configure a transmitter remotely from
the control room, over the wiring to the transmitter, with
a handheld gizmo.
11) That newer transmitters are, in fact, smarter than
older transmitters because the handheld gizmo has 2 LCD
lines in the display, instead of one.
12) The absence of screw adjustment pots
13) Not drawing to an inside straight.
I believe only the last definition. You are entitled to
believe whatever you heart desires. Even a former US
president didn't know the definition of 'is', so who's to
define "smart"?
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / shan259
Self Monitoring and Analysing and Remote Transducer
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 2 No |
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