When i go to interview in any company they told me only one
question why u r join this company and why u r quit for
your current job ?

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When i go to interview in any company they told me only one question why u r join this company and..

Answer / mohit raaz

This is due to the reason that I feel that this company
can enhance my capabilities and the future prospects are
more better,than the previous one.

Is This Answer Correct ?    43 Yes 4 No

When i go to interview in any company they told me only one question why u r join this company and..

Answer / rahul yadav

Sir, as I am a fresher. Your company is a hug platform for me. So where I can growth my career develop my skill and knowledge from my experience.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 0 No

When i go to interview in any company they told me only one question why u r join this company and..

Answer / mustyala mukesh

my previous company was best in anywhere.but this(your)
company is better than that & i show best performance there
(nothing else). and now i want to show something in this
compony to improve my abilities as well as compony growth.

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 6 No

When i go to interview in any company they told me only one question why u r join this company and..

Answer / ramchandra dadas

My last job was best
But now I am shifting Baramati to pune
For my personal resonance

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 2 No

When i go to interview in any company they told me only one question why u r join this company and..

Answer / sukrit varma

It depends on:
1)Nature of Job
2)Size of the Co. you work for & the one plannig to join
3)Job profile
4)No. of years in the last job

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 11 No

When i go to interview in any company they told me only one question why u r join this company and..

Answer / rahulkhatri

i want do best my past job and i dont know i can't say any
thing about this

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 10 No

When i go to interview in any company they told me only one question why u r join this company and..

Answer / shabnam patel

As opportunities to seek are very less in today's time and when got one It's good to make some use of it ....And quitting the previous one is a criteria to get a new job

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 8 No

When i go to interview in any company they told me only one question why u r join this company and..

Answer / sachin c. katakwar

i join becouse u want best.
and quit the current job becouse u r the Best.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 32 No

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