what do you mean by power factor ? in new view
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It is the value of cosine angle between voltage and current due to inductive load (legging power factor) i.e the the value of cos 36 degree is 0.8 ( 0.8 cos fi ),cos 26 degree is 0.9 approx.(0.9 cos fi) and so on. It is also calculate by
True power/Apparent power,Resistance/Impedance or conductance/Admittance.here current leg behind voltage And in capacitive load that angle is minimized i.e improving the power factor.
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Answer / rishikesh borse
the ratio of the actual electrical power dissipated by an AC circuit to the product of the r.m.s. values of current and voltage. The difference between the two is caused by reactance in the circuit and represents power that does no useful work.
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it is the factor by which inductive or capacitve power reduced from resistve power
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